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Showing posts from 2025
  This quote struck me in a compendium of quotes about archaeology: “Archaeology is the peeping Tom of the sciences. It is the sandbox of men who care not where they are going; they merely want to know where everyone else has been.” Jim Bishop, American, Journalist, 1907–1987. Excuse the sexism – of its time I guess – when the stereotypical archaeologist was male. Ther rest connected with me because I had just been reading   How Archaeologists Can Solve The Earth’s ‘Wicked Problems’   Scoop News – attributed to “Human Bridges” The guts of the thesis is: “…. archaeology is essential to the future of humanity and planetary health. This is for three main reasons. First, archaeologists have the capacity to think about and to understand humanity of the past, and to project that insight into the future. Second, archaeologists are uniquely placed to comprehend the many and complex ways in which humans, over time, have related to their environment and environ...