Canterbury Earthquake Royal Commission
A short guide to some documents of heritage interest.Volume 4 which deals with unreinforced masonry buildings their strengthening and performance is of the greatest heritage interest.
Volume 4: Earthquake-prone buildings
The focus on the CTV building has meant CCC has got of with relatively little attention to its performance with dealing with sub-standard buildings prior to the earthquakes. It is described as passive. Undoubtedly this passivity contributed to the death toll.
Much of the rest oft
the commission's report is highly technical - and only
specialist structural engineers will cope with all the detail. Still a
skim through these will give some general points.
With the CTV building the commission coped admirably with a very difficult task:
- Interpreting the
design against the standards and bylaws of the day which were not well
developed or consistent
- Applying
judgement as to what prudent engineering practice would have
been at the time
- Witnesses
who were sometimes less than forthcoming on their roles.
The design inadequacies and the missed
opportunities to correct them are a very unhappy chapter in New Zealand's
professional engineering.